Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Linkyo Coffee Press Review!

My husband became a "coffee person" when he started working at Starbucks. Before that, he had liked the drink...but we were limited to whatever came in K-Cups. I'm happy that he found this new interest, and when I saw this press, I knew he had to have it! He had talked about wanting one, but I really had no idea what they did. I just ordered it and ended up learning what they're used for.

Upon opening the box, Gage was impressed with it's look. It's VERY shiny! The surface is reflective and sharp looking. The Stainless Steel means that it's not going to tarnish or rust anytime soon! ;)

The press has a nice weight to it. It's not cheaply made at all. It feels nice in the hand and is comfortable to hold. It sits securely and evenly on the countertop, despite looking so narrow at the bottom!

As far as function goes, the spout is narrow and juts out. This helps provide an even and SAFE flow. The lid has a knob that is easy to grasp, and the press overall is very easy to use. It's sizable, and allows for enough coffee to be made for several!

Overall, this is a beautiful piece of equipment. If you're looking for a press, we highly suggest this one!

I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest opinion. I did not promise the seller any certain feedback or star rating. I was not compensated for my review and I do not have a relationship with the seller of any kind.

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