Thursday, February 18, 2016

Goodog Collapsible Dog Bowl Set Review!

With so many animals running around this house, it can be nearly impossible to find a treat bag or bowl when I need it. It seems that they're always being carried off, chewed up, or just disappearing into thin air! When we do major cleans, we will find some...but for the most part, bowls don't fare well around here because they're so hard to keep up with. However, now that I've got an amazing set, that is in the past!

 I was so excited to receive Goodog's collapsible bowl set. I didn't look too closely at the listing, so I was VERY surprised and happy to see that each bowl came with a color-coordinated whistle and key-chain clip when it arrived. Each of these are removable, and were clipped to the bowl. I didn't care what colors I received. I literally had no preference. I didn't know what to expect there, but I do know that I didn't expect the colors to be SO vibrant! They are very eye-catching, so if you were to drop one outside somewhere, you should be able to find it pretty easily!

 Of course, once I finished playing with the dog whistle, I had to collapse and recollapse the bowls over and over to see if they showed any signs of wearing out or difficulty in folding. To that test, these bowls definitely pass! It's so easy to open and close them! The bowls are DEEP, also! Much deeper than I expected! The rim of the bowl is what keeps it together. It is a hard, durable plastic that doesn't bend or show any signs of strain as the rest of the bowl moves.

 Overall, I really like this set of bowls. They're going to be something that we take care of, just for the convenience! Long car rides will be made much easier in that I can fold the bowl down and stick it between my seats! If you're looking for a pet bowl for any reason, this set is for you!

 I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest opinion. I did not promise the seller any certain feedback or star rating. I was not compensated for my review and I do not have a relationship with the seller.

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